
Get to know Con­s­truc­tion Site Came­ra foo­ta­ge in BauTV+ now

Here are some live impres­si­ons of various cur­rent refe­rence pro­jects for you: Get to know how the recor­dings made by our con­s­truc­tion site came­ras and BauTV+ look like.

Con­s­truc­tion of a new resi­den­ti­al & com­mer­cial building

Live­stream & GDPR com­pli­ant pixelation

Con­s­truc­tion of new com­pa­ny headquarters

Recor­ding from 8m pole & cra­ne, solar powered & GDPR compliant

New cli­nic building

Sta­tic & dyna­mic GDPR com­pli­ant pixelation 

Logi­stics project

Self-suf­fi­ci­ent con­s­truc­tion site came­ra docu­ments near­by exis­ting buildings


4K live­stream with high-end came­ra from approx. 1km distance


Moun­ting at 140m height, spe­cial pan­ora­ma, mul­ti­ple cameras

Pan­ora­ma of a lar­ge con­s­truc­tion site — GDPR-com­pli­ant presentation

180° pan­o­r­amic view & GDPR-com­pli­ant pixel­a­ti­on with con­s­truc­tion site webcams

Cra­ne Camera

Bird’s eye view and & GDPR com­pli­ant pixelation

Resi­den­ti­al construction

4 con­s­truc­tion site web­cams at the for­mer Tem­pel­hof Air­port in Berlin 

Infra­struc­tu­re: AK Nurem­berg East

Came­ra sys­tem with chan­ging loca­ti­on during the con­s­truc­tion process

Mul­ti­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal housing construction

Pivo­ting came­ra: pan­ora­ma image, many sin­gle images & GDPR-com­pli­ant pixelation

New con­s­truc­tion of a supermarket 

Pan­o­r­amic view from a 15 m mast & GDPR-com­pli­ant pixelation. 

Hotel deve­lo­p­ment project

Long-term pro­ject with a roof-moun­ted 4K came­ra & pass­word-pro­tec­ted livestream.

Loca­ti­ons of our Con­s­truc­tion Site Cameras

Our con­s­truc­tion site came­ras are used in count­less loca­ti­ons throug­hout Cen­tral Euro­pe. On the map shown here (coo­kies must be enab­led) you can see the cur­rent loca­ti­ons of our con­s­truc­tion site webcams:

Time Lap­se Vide­os crea­ted by Con­s­truc­tion Site Cameras

Bridge Dis­pla­ce­ment

Play Video about Brü­cken­ver­schub an der Autobahn

Resi­den­ti­al Construction

Play Video about Woh­nungs­bau im Zeitraffer

Fur­ther Pro­jects With Con­s­truc­tion Site Cameras

We have alre­a­dy suc­cessful­ly docu­men­ted over 2,500 con­s­truc­tion pro­jects using con­s­truc­tion site web­cams. For this reason, you can count on our expertise. 

In the past, we have pro­vi­ded our ser­vices throug­hout and even out­side of the con­s­truc­tion indus­try. Our came­ras have been used by event orga­ni­zers or com­pa­nies in the tou­rism indus­try to cap­tu­re and/or share qua­li­ty foo­ta­ge of various projects.

Our refe­ren­ces inte­rest you regar­ding your project?!