4. Body Cam Conference

21 May 2025 
in Frank­furt am Main


Exper­ti­se — Net­work — Best Practise 

We were deligh­ted to host the third edi­ti­on of our annu­al Body-Cam Con­fe­rence on 5 June 2024 in Colo­gne. Under the pro­ven mot­to “Exper­ti­se — Net­work — Best Prac­ti­ce”, we focu­sed on the field of local public trans­port at this con­fe­rence. Fol­lo­wing the suc­cess of the last con­fe­ren­ces and the posi­ti­ve feed­back from our par­ti­ci­pan­ts, we were keen to once again make the event a place for dia­lo­gue and fur­ther training.

The con­fe­rence is a plat­form for the exch­an­ge of expe­ri­en­ces bet­ween experts, prac­ti­tio­ners and decis­i­on-makers from the public trans­port sec­tor, as well as poli­ce forces, local aut­ho­ri­ties and secu­ri­ty ser­vices. At the third con­fe­rence, we pla­ced par­ti­cu­lar empha­sis on prac­ti­cal appli­ca­ti­ons and trai­ning rela­ting to the use of body cams in public trans­port. Renow­ned spea­k­ers from the indus­try shared their know­ledge and expe­ri­ence to pro­vi­de in-depth insights into cur­rent trends, chal­lenges and solutions.

The con­fe­ren­ces offer an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty for net­wor­king. Meet like-min­ded peo­p­le, make new cont­acts and share best prac­ti­ces. Whe­ther you alre­a­dy have expe­ri­ence with body cams or are new to the field, the con­fe­ren­ces will pro­vi­de you with valuable insights and ide­as that can help you in your work.

We cor­di­al­ly invi­te you to be part of this important event. The after­mo­vie will be updated soon for the third Body-Cam Con­fe­rence 2024:

Play Video about Thumb­nail Body-Cam Kon­fe­renz Film 2023

Pro­gramm der Body-Cam Konferenz

9.00 Uhr 
Begrü­ßung und Kon­fe­renz­er­öff­nung 
Dr. Mat­thi­as Hagner // CEO Net­Co Pro­fes­sio­nal Ser­vices GmbH 
9.15 Uhr 
Body-Cams als zen­tra­les Instru­ment des Arbeits­schut­zes
Dr. Harald Olschok (ehe­ma­li­ger Haupt­ge­schäfts­füh­rer BDSW)
9.45 Uhr 
Pilot­pro­jekt Body-Cam in einem kom­mu­na­len Ver­kehrs­un­ter­neh­men
Jür­gen Kir­cher // Fach­kraft für Arbeits­si­cher­heit Köl­ner Ver­kehrs­be­trie­be AG 
10.15 Uhr 
10.45 Uhr 

Body-Cam vs. Daten­schutz — Wie gelingt die DSGVO-kon­for­me Nut­zung?
Tors­ten Dopp­ler // Daten­schutz­ex­per­te bei Thinksave

11.15 Uhr 
Erfolg­rei­che Eva­lu­ie­rung des Body-Cam Ein­sat­zes
Miran Bru­men // Refe­rats­lei­tung Wie­ner Lini­en GmbH & Co KG 
11.45 Uhr 
Ein­satz von Body-Cams im Stadt­ord­nungs­dienst der Stadt Bonn 
Sascha Hes­sen­bruch // Bun­des­stadt Bonn 
12.15 Uhr 

Gemein­sa­mes Mittagessen

13.15 Uhr 

Podi­ums­dis­kus­si­on und offe­ner Erfahrungsaustausch

13.45 Uhr 
Zusam­men­fas­sung und Ausblick 
Dr. Mat­thi­as Hagner // CEO Net­Co Pro­fes­sio­nal Ser­vices GmbH 
14.00 Uhr 

Pro­gramm der Body-Cam Konferenz

9.00 Uhr

Begrü­ßung und Kon­fe­renz­er­öff­nung 
Dr. Mat­thi­as Hagner // CEO Net­Co Pro­fes­sio­nal Ser­vices GmbH 

9.15 Uhr

Body-Cams als zen­tra­les Instru­ment des Arbeits­schut­zes
Dr. Harald Olschok (ehe­ma­li­ger Haupt­ge­schäfts­füh­rer BDSW)

9.45 Uhr

Pilot­pro­jekt Body-Cam in einem kom­mu­na­len Ver­kehrs­un­ter­neh­men
Jür­gen Kir­cher // Fach­kraft für Arbeits­si­cher­heit Köl­ner Ver­kehrs­be­trie­be AG 

10.15 Uhr


10.45 Uhr

Body-Cam vs. Daten­schutz — Wie gelingt die DSGVO-kon­for­me Nut­zung? Tors­ten Dopp­ler // Daten­schutz­ex­per­te bei Thinksave 

11.15 Uhr

Erfolg­rei­che Eva­lu­ie­rung des Body-Cam Ein­sat­zes
Miran Bru­men // Refe­rats­lei­tung Wie­ner Lini­en GmbH & Co KG 

11.45 Uhr

Ein­satz von Body-Cams im Stadt­ord­nungs­dienst der Stadt Bonn
Sascha Hes­sen­bruch // Bun­des­stadt Bonn

12.15 Uhr

Gemein­sa­mes Mittagessen

13.15 Uhr

Podi­ums­dis­kus­si­on und offe­ner Erfahrungsaustausch

13.45 Uhr

Zusam­men­fas­sung und Ausblick 
Dr. Mat­thi­as Hagner // CEO Net­Co Pro­fes­sio­nal Ser­vices GmbH 

14.00 Uhr


Body Cam Con­fe­rence Program

More infor­ma­ti­on will be published in the future.

Appli­ca­ti­on As A Speaker

You can add value to body cam users with your pre­sen­ta­ti­on? Curr­ent­ly you still have the chan­ce to app­ly as a spea­k­er for our next con­fe­rence on June 14th, 2023. You can find the appli­ca­ti­on form here:

The­se com­pa­nies & orga­ni­sa­ti­ons have alre­a­dy been speakers:

KVB Logo
Logo Wiener-Linien
Stadt Bonn Logo
Björn Stürz Akademie
SWM Logo

and many more…

Ticket Sale

Stan­dard Tickets 

Only as long as stocks last

Net­work Area

As a par­ti­ci­pant of a past body cam con­fe­rence you can access exclu­si­ve con­tent here (only in ger­man lan­guage available).
You have recei­ved the access data by e‑mail; if you have lost them, plea­se cont­act our Key Account Mana­ger Anna-Lena Nolte.

NetCo Body-Cam Konferenz netzwerken

Secu­re tickets now

    * man­da­to­ry field


    of the tickets are alre­a­dy taken
    0 %
    NetCo Body-Cam

    Net­Co Pro­fes­sio­nal Ser­vices GmbH
    Am Mön­chen­fel­de 13
    38889 Blan­ken­burg
    Pho­ne: + 49 3944 950–0
    Email: info@netco.de

    Key Customer Management Body-Cam - Anna-Lena Nolte

    Your cont­act
    Anna-Lena Nol­te
    Key Account Manage­ment
    Pho­ne: +49 3944 950–37
    Email: anna-lena.nolte@netco.de