
The Com­pa­ny

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Trans­Re­gio is part of the Trans­dev Group, an inter­na­tio­nal mobi­li­ty ser­vice pro­vi­der. As the ope­ra­tor of the Mit­tel­rhein­Bahn, Trans­Re­gio is respon­si­ble for around 185 kilo­me­ters of rail rou­tes and con­nects 31 sta­ti­ons bet­ween Colo­gne and Mainz in Germany.

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Body-Cam Appli­ca­ti­on



Main Objec­ti­ve:

Increased pro­tec­tion of staff against assaults and de-escala­ti­on of threa­tening situa­tions for workers as well as passengers


Cus­to­mer ser­vice staff


Trans­Re­gio cus­to­mer ser­vice repre­sen­ta­ti­ves are con­vin­ced of the effect of the came­ras:
“Pas­sen­gers react to it, per­cei­ve the issue and behave accor­din­gly. I also feel much safer using the camera.”


Increased pro­tec­tion of staff against assaults and de-escala­ti­on of threa­tening situa­tions for workers as well as passengers 

Cus­to­mer ser­vice staff

Trans­Re­gio cus­to­mer ser­vice repre­sen­ta­ti­ves are con­vin­ced of the effect of the came­ras:
“Pas­sen­gers react to it, per­cei­ve the issue and behave accor­din­gly. I also feel much safer using the camera.”

Body-Cam nimmt auf
NetCo Body Cam Logo Sign 2019 blue scaled

Fur­ther Case Studies