Kre­feld Municipality

The Orga­niza­ti­on

Stadt Krefeld

The city of Kre­feld in North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia (230.000 inha­bi­tants) is equip­ping its muni­ci­pal public order staff with body­cams to increase their safe­ty. This step ser­ves both to pre­ser­ve evi­dence during ope­ra­ti­ons and to pro­tect employees. The decis­i­on was made on the basis of posi­ti­ve poli­ce expe­ri­ence with bodycams.

Stadt Krefeld

Der Body-Cam Application



Main Objec­ti­ve:

The main objec­ti­ve is to pro­vi­de body­cams to the employees of the Muni­ci­pal Public Order Ser­vice. This ser­ves to pre­ser­ve evi­dence during ope­ra­ti­ons and to pro­tect employees from poten­ti­al­ly dan­ge­rous situations.


In the MPOS for the pre­ser­va­ti­on of evi­dence and employee protection.


The decis­i­on to intro­du­ce body­cams in Kre­feld is based on the posi­ti­ve expe­ri­ence of the poli­ce, who are alre­a­dy suc­cessful­ly using body­cams. The­se came­ras have pro­ven to be a valuable tool for secu­ring evi­dence in dan­ge­rous situations.

The expan­si­on of the Muni­ci­pal Public Order Ser­vice and the con­ti­nuous increase in staf­fing unders­core the City of Krefeld’s com­mit­ment to mee­ting the incre­asing demands in the city cen­ter and its neigh­bor­hoods and ensu­ring grea­ter secu­ri­ty. The intro­duc­tion of body cams is ano­ther step in this direction.

Find out more on the ser­vice por­tal of the city of Kre­feld:  New duty ros­t­er: Muni­ci­pal law enforce­ment ser­vice expands duty hours

and in the Rhei­ni­sche Post artic­le: Body came­ras for the muni­ci­pal public order service:

Body-Cams bei der Stadt Bochum
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