Sup­port — Con­s­truc­tion Site Webcam

Ans­wers to fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons from customers 

In most cases, we can rec­ti­fy such pro­blems remo­te­ly. Sim­ply cont­act us using the form below and we will take care of it promptly.

If it is neces­sa­ry for you to inter­ve­ne direct­ly on the sys­tem, you will recei­ve feed­back from us with appro­pria­te instructions.

How can I inte­gra­te the image, live stream or time lap­se of the con­s­truc­tion site came­ra into my website?

Ihr Brow­ser lädt das Live­bild aus dem Cache. Rel­oad the page with CTRL + F5 or clear your brow­ser cache.

Dele­te the brow­ser cache on a Win­dows PC:
With the brow­ser open, press the key com­bi­na­ti­on Ctrl+Shift+Del, i.e. all 3 keys at the same time.

Dele­ting the brow­ser cache on iMac/MacBook (Safa­ri):
With the brow­ser open, press the key com­bi­na­ti­on cmd+alt+E, i.e. all 3 keys at the same time.

Dele­ting the brow­ser cache on the iPho­ne (Safa­ri):
Go to “Safa­ri” in the set­tings of your iPho­ne. After scrol­ling for a while, you will reach the “Pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty” sec­tion whe­re you can tap “Dele­te histo­ry and web­site data” and con­firm the process.

Dele­ting the brow­ser cache on Android smart­phones (Goog­le Chro­me):
Tap on the 3 dots at the top right and then on “Histo­ry”. Then sel­ect “Dele­te brow­ser data” and con­firm with “Dele­te data” at the bottom.

230V sys­tem:

In 95 % of cases, came­ra fail­ure is due to an inter­rup­ti­on in the power sup­p­ly. Check whe­ther the sys­tem plug is plug­ged in, whe­ther the fuse or RCD has trip­ped and whe­ther the sup­p­ly cable to the sys­tem has been dama­ged. It is not neces­sa­ry to press any but­tons on the sys­tem its­elf. As soon as the power sup­p­ly is res­to­red, the sys­tem will restart automatically.

After a restart, it can take up to 30 minu­tes for a new image to appear in the portal.

If the power sup­p­ly has been che­cked and is defi­ni­te­ly pre­sent, plea­se cont­act us here so that we can sup­port you with fur­ther trou­ble­shoo­ting and dis­cuss the pro­ce­du­re in the event of a sys­tem fault.

Sys­tem with solar power supply:

In the case of solar-powered sys­tems, fail­ures can occur in win­ter and during lon­ger peri­ods of bad wea­ther, as the bat­tery is no lon­ger suf­fi­ci­ent­ly char­ged and the sys­tem swit­ches off to pro­tect the bat­tery from deep discharge.

Via the 3 dots at the bot­tom right of the time-lap­se play­er or via right-click and “Save as”

Plea­se cont­act us using the form below. We will prompt­ly send you the direct links you need to expand your web­site accordingly.

Send an email to with a request to can­cel the con­tract. We will cont­act you as soon as pos­si­ble to dis­cuss the next steps.

If you have recei­ved a short mast from us and are retur­ning the sys­tem to us in a par­cel, you do not need to send the mast with it.

Request Assis­tance Now

    *Man­da­to­ry field


    Alter­na­ti­ve Cont­act Option: