Colo­gne Municipality

The Orga­niza­ti­on

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Cologne’s public order office is suc­cessful­ly test­ing the use of body­cams. The first ten devices were intro­du­ced in the city cen­ter and used by trai­ned per­son­nel. Expe­ri­ence has shown a de-escala­ting effect, with the came­ra being acti­va­ted when neces­sa­ry, lea­ding to de-escala­ted beha­vi­or on the part of the peo­p­le approa­ched. Various models will be tes­ted in a six-month pilot pha­se befo­re a decis­i­on is made on per­ma­nent use in the public order office. 

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Body-Cam Appli­ca­ti­on



Main Objec­ti­ve:

De-escala­ti­on of poten­ti­al­ly aggres­si­ve situa­tions and incre­asing safe­ty in public spaces through the use of bodycams.


Area of application: 

The test is main­ly car­ri­ed out in the city cen­ter, but is also con­duc­ted in out­ly­ing districts.


Initi­al expe­ri­en­ces have been posi­ti­ve and show a de-escala­ting effect. The peo­p­le approa­ched react more calm­ly when the came­ra is acti­va­ted. The test deploy­ment is rated as suc­cessful. Various models will be tes­ted during the pilot pha­se befo­re a decis­i­on is made on per­ma­nent use in the public order service.

Find out more about the use of body cams at the public order office in Colo­gne here: Colo­gne public order office tests body cams — use at carnival 

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