BVG — Ber­li­ner Verkehsbetriebe

The orga­niza­ti­on


Ber­li­ner Ver­kehrs­be­trie­be (BVG), the public trans­port orga­niza­ti­on for Germany’s capi­tal Ber­lin, is laun­ching a twel­ve-month pilot pro­ject to intro­du­ce body cams for secu­ri­ty staff. The use of body cams at key sta­ti­ons and throug­hout the enti­re sub­way net­work is inten­ded to pre­vent and defu­se con­flict situa­tions and bet­ter cla­ri­fy inci­dents. The aim is to make public trans­port in Ber­lin safer and clea­ner. The pilot pha­se initi­al­ly com­pri­ses 18 body cams. 


Body-Cam appli­ca­ti­on



Main objec­ti­ve:

Impro­ving safe­ty and cle­an­li­ne­ss on public transport.

Area of application: 

Main sta­ti­ons of the sub­way lines U7 and U8, as well as in the enti­re sub­way network 


In 2023, the BVG recor­ded a decrease of 88 cases of assaults on employees com­pared to the pre­vious year. Assaults on secu­ri­ty staff also decreased by around 54 per­cent. Nevert­hel­ess, every attack is one too many. BVG the­r­e­fo­re reli­es on inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies such as body-cams to opti­mi­ze the deploy­ment of its secu­ri­ty staff.

The effect of body-cams has been pro­ven in an eva­lua­ti­on stu­dy. Find out more from Dipl.-Psych. Dipl. oec. Udo Klut­tig from LOGO Bochum: LOGO Bochum 

During the twel­ve-month test pha­se, at least one per­son in each pre-trai­ned team will be equip­ped with a body-cam. The small and light­weight devices weigh only around 180 grams and record video sequen­ces. The came­ras are not acti­va­ted con­ti­nuous­ly, but are only swit­ched on after an audi­ble signal and only in neces­sa­ry situa­tions. The data is stored for up to 48 hours in accordance with data pro­tec­tion regulations.

More on the use from the BVG its­elf: Well equip­ped with safety

Artic­le on the deploy­ment from RBB: BVG to equip secu­ri­ty ser­vice with body­cams from Monday

©BVG-Maria‑M. Cove­lo Boente 
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Fur­ther references