Body Cam And Data Pro­tec­tion — Do They Go Together?

The pro­tec­tion of data is essen­ti­al and should be trea­ted with the hig­hest prio­ri­ty by every body cam pro­vi­der. Net­Co Pro­fes­sio­nal Ser­vices GmbH has set its­elf the task of pro­vi­ding you with all-round sup­port for your body cam pro­ject as “your body cam part­ner” — which is why we do not lea­ve you alo­ne when it comes to data pro­tec­tion and pro­vi­de you with GDPR-com­pli­ant solu­ti­ons. But data pro­tec­tion does not only play a role in data trans­fer, the­re are also some rules to fol­low when using the body cam.

What Do You Have To Watch Out For From A Data Pro­tec­tion Per­spec­ti­ve When Using A Body Cam?

Body cams may only be swit­ched on if con­flicts ari­se and the­re is a risk of dan­ger to the wea­rer or per­sons invol­ved. It is important that all per­sons being film­ed are infor­med about the body cam recor­ding. The body cam announ­ces the start of recor­ding with a war­ning tone and the LED lamp light­ing up — this ensu­res that ever­yo­ne invol­ved can cle­ar­ly see that the body cam is now docu­men­ting the situation.

In some situa­tions, secu­ri­ty per­son­nel can­not yet assess whe­ther a con­flic­tu­al situa­ti­on is about to occur or not, which is why the body cam can also be used to save image recor­dings. The­se are used for pre­ven­ti­on and initi­al war­nings. Depen­ding on the situa­ti­on, howe­ver, the so-cal­led pre-recor­ding can also be used: body cam recor­dings can be saved up to two minu­tes befo­re the start of each recor­ding. In the event of sud­den con­flict situa­tions, valuable mate­ri­al is saved befo­re the actu­al recor­ding beg­ins. If the situa­ti­on calms down again and the body cam mate­ri­al is not nee­ded, the pre-recor­ding is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly discarded.

If a con­flict con­ti­nues for a lon­ger peri­od of time and can­not be de-escala­ted by using the body cam — which can hap­pen with into­xi­ca­ted per­sons — the small came­ra is used to pre­ser­ve evi­dence. Here, sound recor­dings are par­ti­cu­lar­ly important, which can later be used in court.

Taking into account data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons, we can make indi­vi­du­al image and sound set­tings on the body cam for you. Plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us!

Wha­te­ver type of recor­ding is used, the­re is one gol­den rule to be obser­ved: unin­vol­ved third par­ties must not be recorded.

What Set­tings Ensu­re Data Secu­ri­ty On The Body Cam And In Net­Co Suite?

After a recor­ding is made, the mate­ri­al is water­mark­ed and direct­ly encrypt­ed on the body cam. This means that the data can­not be acces­sed via the came­ra. In addi­ti­on, the enti­re mate­ri­al is tam­per-pro­of due to the inclu­si­on of meta­da­ta (user, loca­ti­on, date/time).

The export of the body cam recor­dings to a ser­ver is encrypt­ed via a secu­re chan­nel. After the trans­fer, all recor­dings are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dele­ted from the body cam.

Body cam recor­dings can only be view­ed in Net­Co Suite if you have the appro­pria­te aut­ho­riza­ti­on. In each com­pa­ny or aut­ho­ri­ty, only a cer­tain group of peo­p­le is defi­ned who have access to the body cam mate­ri­al. This is to ensu­re that the recor­dings are only seen by as many peo­p­le as neces­sa­ry. An encrypt­ed export and thus the vie­w­ing of the data is pos­si­ble via the Net­Co Media Play­er included in the Net­Co Suite. Due to the unbro­ken encryp­ti­on chain, mani­pu­la­ti­on of the mate­ri­al and data leaks are excluded. In addi­ti­on, each body cam recor­ding has fixed dele­ti­on dead­lines, which our soft­ware solu­ti­on auto­ma­ti­cal­ly adhe­res to.

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