DB Regio: More safe­ty for cus­to­mer advi­sors on trains 

Cases of vio­lence on trains threa­ten the safe­ty of train atten­dants  and phy­si­cal assaults are no lon­ger uncom­mon. Situa­tions usual­ly esca­la­te due to miss­ing tickets and the thre­at of fines. In 2022, more than 3,000 assaults were com­mit­ted against rail­road employees,an increase of 21% com­pared to the pre­vious year. To pro­tect its cus­to­mer ser­vice staff, DB Regio is now incre­asing­ly using body cams on its trains.

Body-Cam deploy­ment on the Black Forest Railway 

The Net­Co Body-Cam has been suc­cessful­ly used on the Black Forest Rail­way sin­ce Febru­ary 2023. DB Regio and the Offen­burg Fede­ral Poli­ce have laun­ched a pilot pro­ject in which the came­ras are to be used on the Black Forest Rail­way line for a year to make the day-to-day work of cus­to­mer ser­vice staff safer. If a situa­ti­on escala­tes, the train atten­dants now have the opti­on of informing the pas­sen­ger in ques­ti­on that the body cam can be swit­ched on and record video foo­ta­ge if the situa­ti­on does not calm down. The recor­ded video mate­ri­al can only be view­ed by the Offen­burg Fede­ral Poli­ce and used for fur­ther pro­se­cu­ti­on. Tho­se affec­ted will recei­ve an infor­ma­ti­on card from the train atten­dants with fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on and contacts. 

So far, howe­ver, the de-escala­ting effectof the body cam has been suf­fi­ci­ent. Vale­rie Fischer, train atten­dant on the Black Forest Rail­way, is deligh­ted with the camera: 

“Some­ti­mes situa­tions esca­la­te out of nowhe­re. But when peo­p­le see the came­ra, they imme­dia­te­ly back off. This gives me more secu­ri­ty”. (source of quo­te: Pro­tec­tion for train staff: ticket con­trol with body­cam | tagesschau.de)

“I would­n’t give her away again” 

DB Regio has also laun­ched a simi­lar pilot pro­ject in Bava­ria. On the rou­te from Bam­berg to Würz­burg, 6 rail­road employees are test­ing the Net­Co Body-Cam until the end of the year. Mar­ti­na Wilk is one of the cus­to­mer advi­sors who is allo­wed to wear the came­ra on her uni­form. Sin­ce the intro­duc­tion of the body cam, she has rare­ly been insul­ted and has not been phy­si­cal­ly assaul­ted sin­ce. The train atten­dant final­ly feels safe again in her day-to-day work: “I would­n’t give [the body cam] away again.” (Quo­te source: More assaults on trains: train atten­dants wear body­cams | BR24). She is plea­sed about the respect she is once again recei­ving from pas­sen­gers with the came­ra and often no lon­ger has to enga­ge in dis­cus­sions as soon as she asks for ID. Chris­ti­an Post­ler, Team Lea­der Bam­berg at DB Regio Bay­ern, also draws a posi­ti­ve inte­rim con­clu­si­on about the body cam. Sin­ce the other train atten­dants have been wea­ring the body cam, the­re have also been no more inci­dents of violence.

Trans­dev also reli­es on body cams 

Not only DB Regio, but also many other public trans­port com­pa­nies such as the Trans­dev Group are now using body cams to pro­tect staff. In 2022, the­re were 210 ver­bal and phy­si­cal assaults at Regio-S-Bahn Bremen/Lower Sax­o­ny (Trans­dev) — a signi­fi­cant increase com­pared to the pre-coro­na­vi­rus years. Nord­West­Bahn is now using body cams on a tri­al basis. In future, 35 train atten­dants will wear a body cam. The­se will be used every day from 7 p.m., as situa­tions are par­ti­cu­lar­ly likely to esca­la­te during this time. So far, the­re have only been posi­ti­ve reac­tions: A Nord­West­Bahn spo­kesper­son announ­ced that no video recor­dings had yet been made. He also con­firm­ed the de-escala­ting effect of the Net­Co body cam. (Source: De-escala­ti­on: Test with body­cams in Nord­west­bahn: Came­ras show effect | ZEIT ONLINE)

Trans­Re­gio, part of the Trans­dev Group, has been using body cams on the Mit­tel­rhein­Bahn bet­ween Colo­gne and Mainz sin­ce 2019. A Trans­Re­gio cus­to­mer advi­sor is also plea­sed with the de-escala­ting effect of the body cam: “Pas­sen­gers react to it, are awa­re of the issue and behave accor­din­gly. I also feel much safer with the came­ra.” (Quo­te source: Body cams on the Mit­tel­rhein­bahn (netco.de)).

Fur­ther references: 

DB Logo Thumbnail

Deut­sche Bahn

Find out more about the use of body cams by secu­ri­ty staff at Deut­sche Bahn AG here! 

Saarbahn Thumbnail


Find out more about the Saar­bahn ope­ra­ti­on here!

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