Com­pli­ant Body Cam Deployment

As the only Ger­man body-cam manu­fac­tu­rer, we can assu­re a data-pri­va­cy com­pli­ant deploy­ment con­side­ring the strict rules of the Euro­pean Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on (GDPR). The­r­e­fo­re we can crea­te a con­cept for the deploy­ment in various sce­na­ri­os and countries. 

Easi­ly over­co­me the data-pri­va­cy hurd­le and expe­ri­ence the bene­fits of body cam use with our com­pli­ant sup­port, such as: 

It is man­da­to­ry to use data-pri­va­cy com­pli­ant body-cams in order to be able to use any recor­dings in court.  We pro­vi­de an over­view of the points that should be con­side­red, to be on the safe side of the law.

Polizist -Piktogramm
Abschreckung von potentiellen Straftätern - Piktogramm
Deeskalation & Konfliktbewältigung -Piktogramm
Body-Cam Täterermittlung - Piktogramm

Data Pro­tec­tion Measures 

DSGVO-konformer Einsatz - Checkliste
DSGVO-konformer Einsatz - Checkliste

Crea­te Data-Pri­va­cy-Com­pli­ant Ope­ra­tio­nal Concept

The use of body cams is only per­mit­ted if it is car­ri­ed out on an occa­si­on-rela­ted basis for pre­vious­ly cle­ar­ly defi­ned pur­po­ses. To ensu­re that they are used for the inten­ded pur­po­se, a deploy­ment con­cept must be drawn up. This should be part of a ser­vice or works agree­ment and include the fol­lo­wing points:

Note: Details on all lis­ted points can be found in our gui­de.

All Hints & Tips For The Intro­duc­tion Of Body Cams

To get a detail­ed over­view of all mea­su­res for the com­pli­ant use of body cams, you can request our gui­de for the intro­duc­tion of body cams. This also con­ta­ins what needs to be car­ri­ed out from an ope­ra­tio­nal point of view so that your body cam pro­ject is imple­men­ted with ease. In addi­ti­on to the gui­de, our com­pe­tent team is also available to sup­port you. Ever­y­thing you need to know: