An Indis­pensable Tool

As part of the 5th VBG Forum Secu­ri­ty Ser­vices, Mar­cus Scher­mann (Head of Mobi­le Tech­no­lo­gy and CTO Secu­ri­ty at DB Sicher­heit GmbH) gave a pre­sen­ta­ti­on on the use of body cams at DB Sicher­heit — from test­ing to regu­lar ope­ra­ti­on. It was an exci­ting pre­sen­ta­ti­on around the chal­lenges in data pro­tec­tion that the use of body cams in a lar­ge com­pa­ny brings with it. Mar­cus Scher­mann was also able to report in detail on the pre­ven­ti­ve effect of body came­ras. The facts pro­ve that DB Sicher­heit employees equip­ped with our Net­Co Body Cam are less likely to beco­me vic­tims of phy­si­cal attacks, if at all. The deter­rent and de-escala­ting cha­rac­ter of the body cams is the focus of DB Sicher­heit, but also the pos­si­bi­li­ty of track­ing cri­mi­nal acts. Evi­dence can be trans­mit­ted direct­ly to the fede­ral poli­ce in encrypt­ed form. Scher­mann empha­si­zes that the body cam has now beco­me an indis­pensable tool for pro­tec­ting employees and rail customers.

Play Video about Thumb­nail — DB Sicher­heit — Body Cam ope­ra­tio­nal report

DB Secu­ri­ty Is A Cus­to­mer Sin­ce 2017 

Deut­sche Bahn has been a Net­Co cus­to­mer sin­ce 2017 and has been using our body cams on plat­forms and with DB Secu­ri­ty ser­vice staff throug­hout Ger­ma­ny sin­ce 2019. DB Regio uses the body came­ras pri­ma­ri­ly for ticket checks and for ser­vice staff. The use of the body cams ser­ves to pre­vent incidents.

What Is Par­ti­cu­lar­ly Appreciated?

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